ERP Solutions
for the Rubber and Plastics Industry

Real-time Production Control and Complete Mold Management.

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ERP for the Rubber and Plastics Industry

Fluentis ERP offers a specialized solution tailored for companies in the Rubber and Plastics industry, especially those involved in plastic molding, mold production, and polymer processing. Fluentis ERP’s high-tech suite is built to meet the unique needs of these companies, including supporting their supply chain demands and international partnerships.

The Rubber and Plastics sector encompasses various businesses that operate with project-based production strategies, often following Engineering-to-Order (ETO) approaches. Fluentis ERP helps these companies manage custom production requirements effectively, enabling better control over each phase of the manufacturing process.

General Features

Production Monitoring and Progress Tracking

Production Management and Planning

Resource Planning: Materials, Work Centers, and Human Resources

Industry 4.0 Integration for Machinery

Production Costing

Integrated Quality Area

Scalable Solution Covering All Business Areas

Integrated Solution for Corporate Group Contexts

Complete Integration of Administrative and Finance Processes

Integrated Management Control

Logistics and Integrated WMS

Strengths of Fluentis ERP for the Rubber and Plastics Industry

Mold Management

In the molding industry, accurate and timely management of molds and equipment is essential. In Fluentis ERP’s production module, equipment management includes the ability to allocate and move molds between the warehouse and the production Work-in-Progress (WIP) area.

The Manufacturing Execution System (MES) collects all data related to press setup times. It also supports managing multi-cavity molds that produce the same or different product codes.

Additionally, the system includes mold maintenance management. Based on specific parameters like idle time, number of cycles, etc., it sends alerts to notify the operators responsible for equipment maintenance.


It is possible to code equipment and set scheduled maintenance deadlines. By using service interventions, users can track maintenance activities, the use of spare parts, or other associated expenses.

From a production perspective, molds and equipment are treated as detailed master records. This allows for managing their association with specific processes and/or finished goods.

Batch Management

Batch management is one of the best ways to organize operational processes. Raw materials, work-in-progress items, and shipping units are identified by creating unique batches that can be distinguished by creation date, origin, or other criteria. In Fluentis, batch management integrated with UDC management ensures that companies needing traceability between finished products and raw materials can maintain full oversight.

This management system makes it easier to verify data accuracy and track the flow of materials across the operational processes. The effectiveness of the ERP is also improved from a logistics perspective when using an integrated WMS (Warehouse Management System) like Fluentis.

Correct batch identification and subsequent organization of operational processes are crucial in sectors where traceability is a mandatory requirement. For Fluentis, it’s important to balance precision with functionality, ensuring both traceability and operational efficiency. This is why we have designed BPMN processes to propose the best usage scenarios for our software and its features.

Industry 4.0

Fluentis ERP includes an ESB connector, BizLink, which enables bidirectional automated communication with machines and presses, as well as real-time dashboards that monitor production progress and efficiency. Thanks to the integration between machinery and the ERP system, along with the use of physical sensors and advanced algorithms, Fluentis ERP helps achieve the goals of Industry 4.0.

Gestione Conai

La gestione del contributo CONAI (Consorzio Nazionale Imballaggi) da parte dei software ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) è un aspetto fondamentale per le aziende che operano nel settore dell’imballaggio. Il CONAI è un consorzio che si occupa del recupero e riciclaggio degli imballaggi, e le aziende che producono o utilizzano imballaggi sono tenute a versare un contributo per finanziare tali attività.


L’integrazione di funzionalità specifiche all’interno dei software ERP permette alle aziende di gestire in modo più efficiente e accurato il calcolo e il versamento del contributo CONAI. Questi strumenti consentono di tenere traccia delle quantità di imballaggi introdotti o prodotti, e calcolare in modo automatico l’ammontare del contributo dovuto.

Scopri di più

Un software ERP con funzionalità per la gestione del contributo CONAI facilita la generazione di report dettagliati, che mostrano le quantità di imballaggi utilizzati o immessi sul mercato, suddivise per tipo di materiale e periodo di riferimento. Questi report risultano essenziali per la rendicontazione delle attività svolte e per dimostrare la corretta adesione alle normative vigenti.


Inoltre, un’efficace gestione del contributo CONAI all’interno di un sistema ERP permette alle aziende di monitorare gli oneri finanziari correlati all’imballaggio, aiutandole a valutare l’impatto di tali costi sui prezzi di produzione e sulla redditività.


L’utilizzo di un sistema ERP per gestire il contributo CONAI aiuta a ridurre gli errori di calcolo e a semplificare le procedure amministrative, ottimizzando i tempi di lavoro e consentendo al personale di concentrarsi su attività più strategiche.


In conclusione, l’integrazione di funzionalità per la gestione del contributo CONAI all’interno di un software ERP rappresenta una soluzione efficace per le aziende che vogliono ottimizzare il processo di calcolo e versamento del contributo, rispettando le normative in vigore e contribuendo in modo responsabile alla tutela dell’ambiente attraverso una corretta gestione degli imballaggi.


Fluentis natively supports data exchange in the EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) format for all business processes. Replacing paper documents with electronic files helps organizations save time and eliminate errors associated with manual handling.

With BizLink, data exchange can be initiated from Fluentis to another entity and vice versa. One of the most commonly used flows is in the order-to-cash cycle, where an EDI customer order file is automatically imported into Fluentis. At the end of the process, Fluentis will send the EDI file for the delivery note (DDT) or invoice.

In certain industries, such as automotive, managing forecasts is required. Fluentis can receive and import EDI forecast files. Upon receiving the customer order file, the forecast is automatically updated with the quantities entered in the order.

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    • Are a SME in Manufacturing, Distribution, or Services
    • Need to streamline and digitalize your business processes
    • Want to take advantage of the benefits of a native cloud solution
    • Want to replace your non-integrated softwares with a unified ERP platform

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