Job Costing & Prototype Management

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Design as the Cornerstone of Job Order Management

The Job Order Management Area (or Prototype Area) addresses the ETO (Engineering to Order) model, common in manufacturing or industrial companies that operate on a job-order basis, delivering custom-made products tailored to specific customer requirements, which are often unique.


For companies operating on a job-order model, products are rarely defined by standard specifications. Instead, they are almost always unique constructions requiring detailed analysis of all their components. Typically, such companies only begin production after a customer order is officially confirmed.

In these scenarios, operators must first create a cost estimate for the product and determine production timelines to prepare a commercial offer. Only after the offer is accepted do they organize the actual production of the item.

Modules and Features

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    Prototype Definition Ensures Job Order Profitability

    The need for an ERP system with a Job Order Management Area often arises because the product in question has highly customized characteristics.

    It becomes essential to identify all cost components, including material costs, production costs, and indirect costs, to build a comprehensive cost structure. Based on this structure, and by applying an appropriate markup, the actual selling price is determined.


    This approach allows the company to proceed confidently with fulfilling the customer’s request, ensuring that a predefined profit margin is maintained throughout the operation.

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    What our customers say about Fluentis

    Con l’utilizzo di Fluentis abbiamo riscontrato notevoli vantaggi, sia dal punto di vista dell’hardware, grazie alla possibilità di utilizzare macchine virtuali, sia da quello del software. Rispetto alle precedenti esperienze, Fluentis ha un’interfaccia utente moderna e intuitiva e questo ha permesso di velocizzare i processi degli utenti nelle varie aree funzionali. Sono molto soddisfatto anche delle prestazioni: la configurazione dei workflow risulta molto flessibile

    - Giuseppe Traficante, EDP Manager

    Gruppo Tosto

    Integration with Bill of Materials / Work Cycles

    Once all necessary components have been defined at any level within the prototype’s bill of materials, the corresponding BOM can be generated, allowing for subsequent analysis of any differences. This approach significantly assists the operator in defining the product’s characteristics.

    With this feature, there is no need to recreate the product structure in the BOM module once the customer confirms the order. The same process applies to work cycles. After defining the production phases, the confirmation of the order enables the generation of a work cycle that mirrors the structure established within the prototype.


    • Data import from BOMs and work cycles
    • Updates to standard BOMs and work cycles

    Cost and Time Calculation

    The cost calculation process begins with determining the direct cost, or industrial cost, which is the sum of all material costs and processing phases. Additional cost components can then be added to this base cost to arrive at the total cost.

    As the next step, using a markup defined by the operator, the actual sales price is determined.

    This process not only calculates costs and revenues but also defines production times for each phase, which, when combined, represent the total production time for the finished product.


    • Integration with sales quotes
    • Cost simulation comparison across different customers and quotes for the same product

    Price List Updates

    The Job Order Management module integrates seamlessly with the sales price list workflow. Once the sales price is calculated, the operator can optionally update it to the general price list or to a customized price list for the specific customer.

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