Public Cloud
Fluentis ERP

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Cost Saving

31% of companies using Public Cloud are driven by infrastructure cost savings.


26% choose Public Cloud for its flexibility.


21% mention scalability as the most important benefit.

Source: TechTarget Survey

Combine the Power of an ERP with the Advantages of Public Cloud

Fast Activation, Cost-Effective Investment, and Flexible Model

Using an ERP in the Public Cloud represents a true revolution in the realm of enterprise applications. It allows businesses to combine the power of a robust ERP engine with the benefits of rapid deployment and flexibility.

With Fluentis ERP in Public Cloud, the benefits are immediate. There are no activation costs, no infrastructure investment, extremely fast startup times, and continuous access to the latest updates.

Additionally, Fluentis ERP’s Public Cloud allows for a high degree of customization—something typically difficult to achieve with other platforms. In Fluentis ERP’s Public Cloud, you can customize reports, forms, dashboards, workflows, and even business processes. Essentially, you get near-total customization while still operating within a shared infrastructure environment.

With Fluentis ERP in the Public Cloud, you can be up and running in minutes. Simply register, identify your business type, specify the number of users, and you’re good to go.

Discover how Fluentis ERP
can transform your business

15-day free trial | No automatic renewal | Instant access

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Contact us for more information

    Get in touch with us if you:

    • Are a SME in Manufacturing, Distribution, or Services
    • Need to streamline and digitalize your business processes
    • Want to take advantage of the benefits of a native cloud solution
    • Want to replace your non-integrated softwares with a unified ERP platform

    +1 281 404 1726

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